Welcome to Mother of Dolors Parish!
You may have come as a stranger to us, yet
you are known to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
In His Name we pray you will find peace,
hospitality and friendship with us.
A Message from the Pastor
Welcome to Mother of Dolors Catholic Parish! There has been a Catholic presence in Vandalia since 1845 and we remain a vital part of the community to this day. Though we are not a large parish community in numbers, our members strive always to extend a hand in welcome and in care. Of note, are the many efforts of our people to make Christ known and loved through service to the poor and neglected. The Caring and Sharing program serves the needs of hundreds of needy families. This outreach was begun by a couple in our parish and has grown to a county-wide cooperative between churches of all denominations and other local agencies. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us all the challenge of living our faith when He said,
“Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” (Luke 12:33-34)
Please explore this newly-refurbished website and visit it often for updates and additions. Our parish bulletin is posted here for your information, as well. Please know that you are welcome to join us for the Sacred Liturgy as we pray, sing and lift our hearts to God. Feel free to drop us a line or two for more information. Let us unite ourselves with Mary, Our Mother of Dolors, who kept loving watch at the foot her Son’s Cross and who rejoiced at His Resurrection. May you know of God’s blessing, consolation and grace in your life!
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Seth